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时间:2020-03-27    点击: 次    来源:不详    作者:佚名 - 小 + 大


中国石化新闻网讯 据经济时报3月25日新德里报道:印度的石油产量在2月份下降了6.4%,原因是私营公司经营的油田产量下降,根据石油部公布的官方数据显示,2月份的原油产量为239万吨,比去年同期的256万吨低6.41%。


印度石油公司2月份的原油产量下降了13.13%,为240,260吨。天然气产量下降近9%,至22亿立方米,而ONGC在东部近海油田产量下降的背景下,产量下降逾4%。该部表示,ONGC的天然气产量较低是由于“由于沙子侵入问题,东部近海的Vasistha / S1井的天然气产量减少。”

此外,Bassein油田和Daman Tapti区块的产量也低于计划。

冯娟 摘译自 经济时报


India's oil production in February dips 6.4 percent

India's oil production fell 6.4 percent in February as a decline in output from fields operated by private firms,Crude oil production at 2.39 million tonnes in February was 6.41 percent lower than 2.56 million tonnes output in the same month a year back, according to official data released by the oil ministry here.

State-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) reported a 4.64 percent rise in production at 1.67 million tonnes as output from its offshore fields saw a pick-up.However, fields operated by the private sector firms reported a 32.6 percent drop with those in Rajasthan seeing a sharp 32.3 percent lower production.

Crude oil production by Oil India Ltd (OIL) in February was 13.13 per cent lower at 240,260 tonnes.Natural gas production dipped almost 9 percent to 2.2 billion cubic meters as ONGC logged over 4 percent lower output on the back of a drop in output from eastern offshore fields.

The ministry said ONGC's lower gas output was due to "less gas production from Vasistha/S1 wells in eastern offshore due to sand incursion issues."

Also, output was less than planned from Bassein field and Daman Tapti block.



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