时间:2020-03-27 点击: 次 来源:不详 作者:佚名 - 小 + 大
原标题:去年俄气公司国际市场高端油销量增长 中国石化新闻网讯 据欧洲石油3月24日消息,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司旗下润滑油公司gazpromneft在2019年国际市场上的高档润滑油销量达到了10.6万吨,同比增长6.2%。小包装的G-Energy和Gazprom Neft品牌优质产品的交付量增加了105%,达到95.7万吨。 该公司在全球范围内Neft润滑油交付已扩大到86个国家,遍布欧洲,亚洲,非洲和南美,这归因于零售和工业部门积极发展优质产品分销网络所致。2019年,通过自有G-Energy服务站网络销售的G-Energy优质油增加61%,服务站数量增加到210个(增加40个)。常年客户和合作伙伴的数量达到50万,服务遍及俄罗斯国内外。 在俄罗斯,高档产品销量增长5.3%,达到20.5万吨。2019年,俄气工业公司Neft发动机、传动装置和工业用油在俄罗斯国内外的总销量为70.8万吨。 程张翔 编译自 欧洲石油 原文如下: Gazprom Neft increased sales of G-Energy and Gazpromneft premium oils in international markets in 2019 Gazpromneft-Lubricants, the operator of Gazprom Neft’s oil business, boosted its sales of premium lubricants in international markets to 106 thousand tons in 2019, with an increase by 6.2% year-on-year. Deliveries of small-packaged G-Energy and Gazprom Neft branded premium products increased by 10,5% to 95,7 thousand tons. The company’s geographic coverage of Gazprom Neft lubricants delivery has expanded to 86 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America, primarily due to the active development of the premium products distribution network in both the retail and industrial segments. In 2019, the volume of sales of G-Energy premium oils via its own network of G-Energy Service stations boosted by 61%, and the number of service stations increased to 210 (up 40 stations). The number of regular customers and partners of the service throughout Russia and abroad reached half a million. In Russia, sales of premium products increased by 5.3%, accounting for 205 thousand tons. In 2019, the total sales of Gazprom Neft motor, transmission and industrial oils in Russia and abroad amounted to 708 thousand tons. |